Sue Smith Glass Mosaics
Products featured here emulate those available from the Sue Smith Glass Mosaics web-site in the UK, without the expensive postal charges.
A percentage of all sales made are returned to Sue Smith Glass Mosaics.
All decisions regarding products offered here are made in conjunction with Sue Smith
Hello, you’re here most probably because you are a follower of Sue Smith Glass, and an admirer of her work.
Sue is originally from and now living once again in Devon, UK. She has lived and worked in various countries, including the Middle East and the Mediterranean, and has been influenced and inspired by different cultures and architecture from her travels. Sue has a keen interest in the environment, nature and the landscape, and directs this energy and passion into her work.
Sue originally developed her unique glass mosaic technique in 2003. Since then, she has been sharing her skills, and teaching many students, both in the UK and abroad. Sue blends recycled glass and new stained glass directly onto mirrors to give a better reflection and depth of colour. This makes the final mosaic change shade in different lights and angles thus continuously changing its appearance, character and mood. By using weather resistant flexible glues and grouts, Sue’s mosaics become suitable for all year round outside display, adding a splash of colour, a flash of light and a spark of interest to any garden or gloomy corner. Some of her students have transformed their gardens into enchanting magical places and captured their creativity and imagination in their work – even if it’s just a few simple pieces of glass on a small mirrored tile. Their mosaic art work contains their essence and their passion.
At the start of lock-down, Sue shared a series of free daily tutorials, which can be viewed on her YouTube channel Sue Smith Glass Mosaics. These tutorials show step by step how to create your own garden flower mosaic like the one below, using the technique Sue has developed for glass on glass/ mirror mosaic.
It became apparent from comments and requests for advice on what to buy and where to buy it, that it was impossible to acquire the wide selection of colours and styles of glass desired, without investing a considerable amount of money and also having sufficient storage space to house a nice selection of materials. It has been a strain financially for many people, so the cost of starting up a new hobby or continuing an old hobby is also a big consideration. To overcome this, Sue created an online shop.
To satisfy peoples’ needs and requirements Sue started to offer Mosaic Kits, Coloured Glass Hobby boxes, Tools, Materials and fun accessories that are not available in the shops in the pack sizes or with the variety required.
As well as her Sue Smith Glass Facebook page, Sue has also created the lovely Facebook Group “Mosaic Connections”. It’s a wonderful supportive group that promotes positivity and offers work hints, advice, tips and tricks. Complete beginners are welcome – we are all continuously learning and members share their work and ideas from all over the world. These connections made through the world of mosaic are truly uplifting and inspiring.
Unfortunately, many of Sue’s followers reside in Australia and New Zealand. The cost of postage from the UK is prohibitive, so Sue has entered into a collaboration with Merlin Mosaica, to make the products available in the Sue Smith Glass Mosaics online store available here. The bespoke items have been made in Australia to Sue’s design.
NOTE: some of the products may be slightly different, as they are unable to be sourced locally. Rest assured, all substitutions have been done so with Sue’s approval.
Merlin Mosaica is an online glass retailer based in Canberra, ACT Australia, run by Alison Howson. Alison has been a painter for many years, and now works with stained glass mosaics. Merlin Mosaica specialises in all things glass – stained glass and tile, glass tools, substrates, glues and grouts.
Merlin Mosaica also has a Facebook Community Group “The Merlin Lounge” where you can find details of new products coming online here in Australia (not just Sue Smith products).
If you have any enquiries or would like any further information, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Stay safe and take care, Sue (and Alison)
Sue: @suesmithglass
Mobile (UK): 07759 988236
Alison: @merlinmosaica
Mobile (Aust): 0455 062 087
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