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Spare Chopping blade for the MCM Mosaic Cutting Machine
This is a single Replacement Cutting Blade for Hasal Mosaic Chopping Machines.
- Note that the Hasal machine requires 2 (TWO) blades.
- Both the upper and lower blade are interchangeable.
- Hard HSS tool steel
- Blade length 28 mm
- Thickness 4mm.
Some reviews for this product:
- This little smalti/stone cutting machine is great for when you have a lot of smalti/stone to cut, and nippers or
hammer are tiring the arm and hand! More “uniform” cuts can be achieved. The unit is very well made, and the only
assembly is to screw the weighted end caps on the handle. The handle turns very easily. - It is amazing how easy that this Mosaic Chopping Machine works. I chopped Murine rods for about 4 hours and was not tired at all. My hands and wrists were not tired nor hurting at all. I love this tool and highly recommend it.
- This is a great tool. I’ve had 7 hand surgeries and needed adaptive tools to use for mosaics. One thing to note, the pieces shoot out both sides when you cut them, so it’s a good idea to mount it inside of an enclosure.
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