Sign up for an Account!
When you purchase product on the web-site, an account is automatically created for you and you will receive the password in your email (remember to check your junk folder). Change the password to something you can remember, and keep it in a safe place. I recommend allowing your browser to save it for you (unless you are using a publicly accessible computer).
As an account holder you can:
- choose to receive the occasional newsletter
- manage your personal details (phone, shipping, billing & email addresses) and
- create wish lists
The details stored in your account are only those required to process your order: Name/Address, email and phone number.
Merlin Mosaica does not store banking details, and all payments are initiated by you as a request. On occasion I may issue a Credit Card invoice to you (for phone orders, or additional payments), but these only require that I know your email address.
It’s pretty easy to create an account – either select “Create an account” when checking out or go to “My Account” and create one.
NOTE: The Merlin Mosaica Loyalty program has been retired. We do offer a Seniors Discount, and from time-to-time may offer benefits such as free shipping. Join the Merlin Lounge on Facebook for information relating to special benefits that we may offer.